Critical Analysis of the BUHAY party list...  

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Good day everyone, what a tiring week, it has been, and now to top it all up, I am going to discuss to you the good and the bad side of BUHAY party list.

To start things off, I would first discuss what I believe is the bad side of the BUHAY party list. First I am a supporter of the RH bill, which they staunchly oppose, I believe there us nothing wrong with this bill, I don’t think our country would disintegrate to total immorality if we legalize abortion. Think about it, there is a thousand ways for anyone in this country to get an abortion, and not one of those thousand ways is legal, therefore they are not safe. If we actually legalize abortion we could curb the black market for abortion pills, doctors, and such. Also, even Spain, a close friend of the Vatican, allows abortion. Let us not be withheld by conservative beliefs.

Second, I think there is something wrong when they told us that they do not have plans for the upcoming election, when they answered the previous question (would you want to be a dominant party?) with a negative answer then further elaborate that they would want to remain as the top party list. Kind of confusing isn’t it? You don’t have plans, but you want to remain as the top party?

Now for the good things about this party, well all I can say is that they have a very efficient set of representatives, and that their bills reflects their advocacies of Pro-life, Productivity and Good governance.

The second thing I like about this party is that once the decision of the COMELEC on their problems of representation was given, both factions respected it. A good sign of maturity.

I had always believed that a good opposition offers a good alternative, and so their opposition of the RH bill, based on overpopulation, was quite good. Their idea to develop the citizens of this country so that we can have more assets and that our population would be a good thing and not a burden was quite a good.


I still support the RH bill on the merits of choice and safety, I too do not believe that we are over populated, rather we are not distributed properly.

“In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty. “
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

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